Savitar is the same type of villain as the Reverse-Flash or Zoom.
#Eddie thawne savitar full
Jessie Quick’s (Violett Beane) story and fight with the big bad doesn’t amount to much, but its final reveal brings the show (and this review) full circle. They quickly develop backup plans and ideas for tracking Savitar, but it feels tangential to Barry’s arc. Whilst Barry is running around some version of heaven, the other characters are left twiddling their thumbs. You feel that Barry is learning to live life in the moment, which is surely the point of the soapy proposal storyline, and by the time this episode ends, you feel like the show and the character will move on to another type of storytelling. Its stillness gives it a raw emotional power. Gustin’s performance is subdued and introspective. In an episode so focused on having the show’s main character repent, the main star better bring it. Wentworth Miller brings back his hammy line readings, reminding the audience of the unique hero-villain relationship Captain Cold and The Flash have. Cosnett’s reappearance as the deceased Eddie Thawne is the most effective, as his connection with Iris (Candice Patton) speaks to Barry’s objectives and the obstacles he’s faced so far. There are some nice returning guest appearances from Rick Cosnett, Robbie Amell, and Wentworth Miller. It is an entity that gives Barry his speed whilst also being a conscious semi-real world populated with deceased characters. The characters don’t, the writers don’t and most of the audience don’t. Here, it has a greater emotional impact as dead characters reveal the pain the Flash creates as he runs into the Speed Force. Usually, this damnation is shown through characters like Cisco (Carlos Valdes), Joe (Jesse L Martin) and HR/Harry (Tom Cavanagh) tutting at Barry. He’s the villain because his efforts often ruin the lives of his supporting cast. Since ‘ Flashpoint’ the show has chastised Barry for his decision making, and yet he keeps repeating mistakes.
#Eddie thawne savitar tv
This season hasn’t pretended otherwise, with the Scarlet Speedster’s selfish, and often stupid, decisions impacting all of space and time (and four other TV shows). But, after ‘ Into the Speed Force’, as The Flash’s Season 3 endgame comes into view, the reason for this repetitiveness becomes clear: Barry, in an effort to save everyone, becomes the villain, and he has to become a better hero. It has been rather repetitive, as Barry just runs faster to defeat his foes. After fighting Reverse-Flash, Zoom and now Savitar, Barry Allen (Grant Gustin) has faced off against three speedster villains over three seasons.